Contribute to Ireland’s Climate Action

Greetings, dear readers! As we navigate through 2023, the call to act on climate change has never been louder. While sustainability remains a strategic priority for Irish businesses[1], individuals also play a vital role in the path towards a greener future. Here are a few ways you can contribute to positive climate action:

1. Educate and Advocate: With 96% believing climate change will harm people in Ireland[2], it’s essential to stay informed about the latest climate news and participate in consultations like Ireland’s new National Climate Action Plan[3].

2. Embrace Sustainable Living: Prioritize eco-friendly products, reduce single-use plastics, and consider implementing energy-saving measures in your home.

3. Support Local: Shop from local vendors and support sustainable Irish businesses focused on climate action.

4. Celebrate Economic & Quality-of-Life Benefits: Remember, 62% of Irish people believe that climate action can lead to economic and quality of life improvements[4]. By taking action, you’re not only helping the environment but also promoting better living standards for everyone.

5. Stay Updated on Climate Targets: Although Ireland is projected to miss its climate targets for 2030[5], staying informed will allow you to push for more aggressive measures.

In the heart of this climate challenge, remember, every action counts. By doing your part, you can contribute to a brighter and greener future for Ireland!

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